For Kids
Hawk Mountain is one of the best places to spend time outdoors and learn more about hawks, eagles, falcons, and other birds of prey. Be sure to explore our RaptorPedia, see how many hawks are flying during the migration, and return soon to see our growing list of fun downloads and links to learn more about raptors across the globe.

Fun Links & Downloads
Check out the following pages by National Geographic Kids Creature Features to learn more about four charismatic raptors that we see migrating over Hawk Mountain every year!
Bald Eagle Peregrine Falcon Red-tailed Hawk Snowy Owl
Many raptor species have different homes during the summer and the winter. The movement between these two homes is called migration. Watch this 4-minute video to learn more about migration. Raptors make journeys similar to those featured in this video. Do you think raptors are affected by the same threats to songbirds highlighted in this video?
At Hawk Mountain we are lucky enough to watch and study migrating raptors along their journey, surrounded by a beautiful landscape and passionate raptor enthusiasts of all ages. We hope you will join us soon! Enjoy these links to start learning more:
Bird Migration Facts Migration Coloring Page Migration Word Puzzle

Raptor Nest Cams
Nest Cams are a fun, revealing look into the lives of raptors at home in their nests. By setting up a camera, we have the privilege of observing interactions between individuals in the nest. Not only do nest cameras provide information to scientists who cannot watch the nest 24 hours a day, they also provide the public with the unique experience of seeing raptor personalities up close without having to climb a tree to do it! Join us this next breeding season as we cheer on several raptor parents in their attempt to successfully fledge young.
Nest cameras allow us to observe nests. They do not, however, allow us to intervene in the lives of these wild raptors, even if we see our feathered friends struggling. While this can be a difficult experience, we must remember that raptors are wild, and the placement of a camera doesn’t change that. As an education and research facility, we feel a responsibility to let raptors be raptors, and therefore we refrain from interrupting their life processes.
Check some out:
Local Kestrel Nest Cam Hanover Bald Eagle Nest Cam Harrisburg Falcon Cam Cornell Red-tailed Hawk Cam
Coloring Books and Activities
Art can be an important medium through which to connect to the natural world. See attached coloring books to start your own creative exploration of the raptor world! Available books include Raptors of Hawk Mountain, Kestrels of the World, Vultures of Africa (available in both French & English), and New World Vultures.
Get Involved!
Everyone views the world differently. Kids have a particularly unique ability to pick out details within the natural world and make surprising discoveries that many adults miss!
- Young Birders ClubThis club provides the opportunity for young people to connect with others in their local area through the shared investigation of birds, as well as meet adult mentors who are excited to share their knowledge.Learn More!
- Citizen ScienceThrough engagement in citizen science, kids have the opportunity to test their hand at becoming nature investigators with a sense of purpose.Learn More!