Volunteer at Hawk Mountain

Bill Parks Memorial Volunteer Program
Hawk Mountain is fortunate to have a average of 200 volunteers who assist with education programs and day-to-day operations at the Sanctuary, but the need for more volunteers is ever-present. Become a part of the dedicated corps that keeps the first refuge for birds of prey running as a world-class organization.
Volunteers receive invitations to social events and field trips, special discounts, and the satisfaction of furthering the mission of an internationally recognized wildlife refuge.
To become a volunteer, please contact Tammy Jandrasitz-Bodey at 610-756-6000 x215 or [email protected]. You may also download the Volunteer Application Form below and hand it in at the Visitor Center. You must be at least 18 years old to apply.
Volunteer Application Form
DownloadVolunteer Opportunities
Visitor Services - March through November; especially September through November during fall migration season
- Keeper of the Gate - Check member cards and tickets; promote and sell memberships; provide information to visitors at trail entrance (training required).
- Membership Recruitment - Help keep the Sanctuary fiscally sound by promoting the Sanctuary on and off grounds.
- Bookstore - Assist bookstore staff with merchandise/membership sales; provide information to visitors (training required).
- Parking/traffic control - Special events and fall weekends; direct arriving visitors and provide basic information (on-the-job training with experienced volunteers)
- Information/Hospitality - Provide information about all aspects of Sanctuary, i.e., membership, facilities, trails, etc.; indoors, but outdoor option on fall weekends (training required)
Office Support - All year, mostly weekdays
- Fundraising - Assist staff with obtaining items for auction, raffle, sponsors for events and food donations
- Phone contact - Call members to thank them for their support, recapture calls to lapsed members
- Data Entry/Computer - Entering general and scientific data, knowledge of WORD and Excel beneficial
- Mailings - General membership services i.e., folding, collating, stuffing envelopes on designated dates
- General Office - Copying, filing, and miscellaneous tasks for administration, education, and research
Education - Spring and fall (training required)
- Group Program Assistant - Assist staff with guided school or civic group hikes and programs for children and adults; weekdays and weekends
- Weekend programs - Present live raptor* and special programs to visitors
- Group Greeter - Greet arriving visitors and groups; present ten minute talk about Sanctuary trails and trail etiquette
- Native Plant Garden Walks - Inform visitors about the use of native plants on their property to benefit wildlife and the environment; weekends
- Group introductions - Present history of Hawk Mountain and overview of migration dynamics to visiting student and public groups; weekdays
* Opportunities to handle live birds may be available to volunteers who are at least 18 years of age and complete training and apprenticeship.
Research - All year, mostly weekdays
- Biological survey - Spring, summer, and winter; usually early morning; knowledge of birds and their songs is required
- Data management - assist staff with research data
Stewardship and Facilities - Spring and summer weekends and weekdays
- Native Plant Garden - Mostly weekdays; knowledge of native plants or must work with knowledgeable and experienced volunteers
- Invasive plant control - Remove invasive exotic plants, i.e., Garlic Mustard, Asian Stilt Grass, Barberry, Honeysuckle, etc; good project for volunteer groups
- Grounds/Trails - General maintenance of property and trails; most trail work is done in spring
Miscellaneous - Occasionally as needed
- Library - Maintain library in the Acopian Center. Weekdays only.
- Photography - Our need for specifics is sporadic; but we always need candid shots of volunteers at work and visitors.
Are you already a volunteer? Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Hawk Mountain Volunteer Handbook. Download at the link below!