Autumn Migration 2018 Has Begun
Posted on August 15, 2018 in Visitors

Hawk Mountain invites visitors to watch and monitor the annual passage of raptor migrants as they move south during the Autumn Hawk Watch, held daily August 15 through December 15, at the Sanctuary’s famous North Lookout. Trail fees apply for non-members and cost $10 for adults, $7 for seniors, and $5 for children ages 6 to 12. Members are admitted free year-round, and memberships can be purchased online or at the Visitor Center
During the count, Sanctuary staff, trainees, and volunteers will be stationed at the lookouts to help visitors spot and identify raptors including broad-winged hawks, kestrels, vultures, ospreys, and bald eagles. An average 18,000 raptors pass the Sanctuary each autumn. For raptor enthusiasts and those who cannot make it to Hawk Mountain, daily counts are posted throughout the season at
Equipped with binoculars and a full daypack, visitors are invited to spend the day at North Lookout to enjoy the breathtaking autumn colors and soaring raptors. Binoculars can be rented at the Visitor Center, and staff members there can offer tips and suggestions for trails and lookouts. The nearby South Lookout may be preferable to those with small children or with limited mobility, and it can be reached using the wheelchair-accessible Silhouette Trail.
During the fall migration, there will also be weekend programs included free with paid admission that run from September 1 through November 4. Additionally, on Saturdays during September and October, several speakers will give talks on their experiences and expertise as part of the Autumn Lecture Series. Information about all of these programs can be found at