Raptorthon kicks off spring migration

Posted on March 19, 2019 in Giving

Raptorthon 2019

Saturday, March 20
1-4 PM at North Lookout
Raindate ia Sunday, March 21

Hawk Mountain will launch the upcoming spring migration season by participating in the 2019 Raptorthon, hosted by Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA). Senior Educator Rachel Spagnola is Hawk Mountain's representative for 2019, with her team Ridgetop Rachel and the Wing Watchers.

Raptorthon is an annual fundraiser event that engages bird and hawk watch sites and garners support for those organizations. The pledge proceeds are split between HMANA and the organization of your choice. The focus is aimed at getting the maximum count of raptor species in a 24-hour period, all while gaining support for raptor organizations across the continent.

Hawk Mountain's event takes place on March 30, with a rain date of March 31. Team Ridgetop Rachel and the Wing Watchers will begin with a driving road survey following the Kittatinny ridge, from Little Gap to the Lehigh Gap, eventually ending at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. This route allows the team to explore this important migration corridor for raptors, songbirds, monarchs, and more.

After lunch, Rachel and her team will station atop North Lookout, Hawk Mountain's official migration count location. The team will tally any passing raptors from 1 to 4 p.m. and will help identify and inform for any joining visitors.

Those who wish to support Hawk Mountain can join in the fun throughout the day and/or make a donation at hawkmountain.org/raptorthondonation.

About Hawk Migration Association of North America:

The Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) is a membership-based organization committed to the conservation of raptors through the scientific study, enjoyment, and appreciation of raptor migration. To learn more about HMANA and its efforts, visit www.hmana.org.